The WAZ – Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper reports in detail on our subsidiary PCC Thorion GmbH and its innovative project to increase the performance of lithium-ion batteries. Under the title “PCC researches material for better batteries”, the newspaper writes in its August 23, 2024 edition: “The Duisburg-based PCC Group is working with Freiburg’s Fraunhofer ISE and the Cenide Nano Center of the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) to develop a material that greatly improves the performance of batteries for electromobility. Production on an industrial scale is to be established in the Ruhr region by the end of 2027.”
At PCC, the specially founded Group company PCC Thorion GmbH is driving the project forward, about which the newspaper continues: “Together with scientists from the Freiburg Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE) and Cenide, the Homberg-based company has been driving the development of a silicon-carbon composite since 2022. It is intended to replace a large proportion of graphite in vehicle battery storage systems. The EU is funding the project with 3.5 million euros. In July, the partners were delighted to receive a further 2.6 million euros in funding from the German government to continue the project.”
The following download link will take you to the PDF of the article “PCC forscht an Material für bessere Batterien” published in the WAZ on August 23, 2024. (german version)
The online version of the article was already published on August 19, 2024. You can find the online version here in the WAZ archive under WAZplus: Material für bessere Batterien: Wo PCC die Produktion plant (german version)
About PCC Thorion GmbH
PCC Thorion GmbH is a young, innovative company focusing on the development and production of silicon-carbon composites and other silicon metal-based materials for use in batteries. As a subsidiary of the Duisburg-based investment holding company PCC SE, PCC Thorion GmbH is part of the globally active PCC Group with around 3,300 employees. The PCC Group has core competencies in the production of chemical raw materials and specialty chemicals, silicon and silicon derivatives, and container logistics. There is close cooperation with sister company PCC BakkiSilicon hf. which operates one of the world’s most modern and climate-friendly silicon production facilities in Iceland. This enables PCC Thorion GmbH to ensure a sustainable and safe production chain from the raw material silicon to the end product. Founded in 2022, the company is headquartered in Duisburg.